




According to [专家/研究机构], [例子].

[专家/研究机构] stated that [例子].

[例子], as pointed out by [专家/研究机构].

[例子] is supported by the findings of [专家/研究机构].


According to a study conducted by Harvard University, excessive screen time can lead to sleep disturbances.(根据哈佛大学的一项研究,过多的屏幕时间会导致睡眠障碍。)

The expert from the World Health Organization stated that air pollution is a major contributor to respiratory illnesses.(世界卫生组织的专家表示,空气污染是呼吸系统疾病的主要原因。)

As pointed out by Professor Smith, the increasing use of renewable energy sources is essential for combating climate change.(正如史密斯教授所指出的,增加可再生能源的使用对于应对气候变化至关重要。)


Just as [例子 A] illustrates, [例子 B] also serves as a relevant example.

[例子 A] exemplifies the positive side, while [例子 B] highlights the negative aspect.

A similar trend can be observed in [例子 A] and [例子 B], showcasing [共同特点].

Contrary to [例子 A], [例子 B] exhibits a completely different perspective on [主题].


Just as the popularity of smartphones has soared, the sales of traditional cameras have declined significantly.(正如智能手机的普及度飙升,传统相机的销量显著下降。)

While online shopping offers convenience, it lacks the personalized experience that brick-and-mortar stores can provide.(尽管网上购物提供便利,但它缺乏实体店所能提供的个性化体验。)

A similar trend can be observed in both developed and developing countries, indicating the global impact of economic recessions.(在发达国家和发展中国家都可以观察到类似的趋势,表明经济衰退对全球的影响。)

Contrary to the belief that social media enhances communication, studies have shown that it can lead to feelings of isolation.(与社交媒体有助于交流的信念相反,研究表明它可能导致孤立感。)


[例子] bears a striking resemblance to [另一个例子], suggesting [相似结论].

By drawing a parallel between [例子 A] and [例子 B], we can infer [相关观点].

Just like [例子], [类似情况] also supports the notion that [主题].

The similarities between [例子 A] and [例子 B] imply that [推论].


The spread of fake news online bears a striking resemblance to the way rumors are disseminated in a close-knit community.(网上虚假消息的传播与紧密社区中谣言传播的方式惊人地相似。)

By drawing a parallel between climate change and a ticking time bomb, we can infer the urgency of taking immediate action.(将气候变化与定时炸弹进行类比,我们可以推断出立即采取行动的紧迫性。)

Just like the growth of a seed requires nurturing, the development of a child's mind demands proper education and guidance.(正如种子的成长需要培育一样,孩子的心智发展需要得到适当的教育和指导。)

The similarities between the two historical events imply that history has a tendency to repeat itself.(这两个历史事件之间的相似之处暗示着历史往往会重演。)


Owing to [原因], [例子] serves as an illustrative case.

[例子] is a direct result of [原因].

The consequence of [例子] can be attributed to [原因].

[例子] can be traced back to the influence of [原因].


Owing to the advancement of technology, the efficiency of communication has greatly improved.(由于技术的进步,沟通效率得到了极大的提高。)

The rise in obesity rates among children can be attributed to the prevalence of unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyles.(儿童肥胖率的上升可以归因于不健康的饮食习惯和久坐不动的生活方式。)

The consequence of deforestation is the loss of biodiversity and the disruption of ecosystems.(森林砍伐的后果是生物多样性的丧失和生态系统的破坏。)

The decline in sales can be traced back to the negative publicity surrounding the company's product recall.(销售额下降可以追溯到公司产品召回的负面宣传。)


Taking a closer look at [例子], we can identify [细节].

Upon further examination, [例子] reveals [更深层次观点].

[例子] offers a glimpse into the complexities of [主题].

Delving into the nuances of [例子] exposes [相关发现].


Taking a closer look at the unemployment data, we can identify regional disparities in job opportunities.(仔细研究失业数据,我们可以发现就业机会在不同地区存在差异。)

Upon further examination, the apparent success of a company may be supported by unethical business practices.(经过进一步的研究,公司的显著成功可能得益于不道德的商业行为。)

The analysis of consumer behavior offers a glimpse into the complexities of market trends.(对消费者行为的分析提供了对市场趋势复杂性的一瞥。)

Delving into the nuances of cultural differences exposes the challenges of cross-cultural communication.(深入研究文化差异揭示了跨文化交流的挑战。)


Although [观点 A] is widely accepted, [例子] provides evidence to the contrary.

It is tempting to believe [观点 A], yet [例子] challenges this assumption.

[例子] serves as a counterargument to the prevailing belief in [观点 A].

While some may argue [观点 A], [例子] disproves this notion convincingly.


Although proponents of capital punishment argue that it deters crime, statistics show that crime rates remain high in regions where it is implemented.(尽管死刑的支持者认为它能够威慑犯罪,但统计数据显示,在实行死刑的地区犯罪率仍然很高。)
